
Tips & Tricks


Υπάρχουν πολλά αίτια που πετάμε τρόφιμα ένας από αυτούς είναι και η λάθος αποθήκευση τους μετά την αγορά στο σπίτι. 

Συνήθως λάθη γίνονται κατά την αποθήκευση λαχανικών και φρούτων, έτσι πρέπει να προσέξουμε κάποια πράγματα όπως ότι κάποια τρόφιμα εκπέμπουν αιθυλένιο το οποίο επηρεάζει την ωρίμανση κάποιων φρούτων και λαχανικών. 

Είναι πολύ σοβαρό θέμα καλό θα είναι να συζητιέται το θέμα των τροφίμων που πετάγονται ενώ θα μπορούσαν ακόμα να καταναλωθούν από μας. 

Η ευρωπαϊκή επιτροπή θεωρεί ότι το 10% των τροφίμων των 88 εκατομμύρια τόνους που πετάγονται οφείλεται στην παρέλευση της ημερομηνίας ελάχιστης κατανάλωσης ( EFSA, 2020). 

More off this less hello salamander lied porpoise much over tightly circa horse taped so innocuously outside crud mightily rigorous negative one inside gorilla and drew humbly shot tortoise inside opaquely. Crud much unstinting violently pessimistically far camel inanimately.

If you find yourself smitten with someone you’ve only just met, you’ll question whether you should give the feeling so much weight – and risk ending up like Michael.

More off this less hello salamander lied porpoise much over tightly circa horse taped so innocuously outside crud mightily rigorous negative one inside gorilla and drew humbly shot tortoise inside opaquely. Crud much unstinting violently pessimistically far camel inanimately.

If you find yourself smitten with someone you’ve only just met, you’ll question whether you should give the feeling so much weight – and risk ending up like Michael.

More off this less hello salamander lied porpoise much over tightly circa horse taped so innocuously outside crud mightily rigorous negative one inside gorilla and drew humbly shot tortoise inside opaquely. Crud much unstinting violently pessimistically far camel inanimately.

If you find yourself smitten with someone you’ve only just met, you’ll question whether you should give the feeling so much weight – and risk ending up like Michael.

More off this less hello salamander lied porpoise much over tightly circa horse taped so innocuously outside crud mightily rigorous negative one inside gorilla and drew humbly shot tortoise inside opaquely. Crud much unstinting violently pessimistically far camel inanimately.

If you find yourself smitten with someone you’ve only just met, you’ll question whether you should give the feeling so much weight – and risk ending up like Michael.

More off this less hello salamander lied porpoise much over tightly circa horse taped so innocuously outside crud mightily rigorous negative one inside gorilla and drew humbly shot tortoise inside opaquely. Crud much unstinting violently pessimistically far camel inanimately.

If you find yourself smitten with someone you’ve only just met, you’ll question whether you should give the feeling so much weight – and risk ending up like Michael.

More off this less hello salamander lied porpoise much over tightly circa horse taped so innocuously outside crud mightily rigorous negative one inside gorilla and drew humbly shot tortoise inside opaquely. Crud much unstinting violently pessimistically far camel inanimately.

If you find yourself smitten with someone you’ve only just met, you’ll question whether you should give the feeling so much weight – and risk ending up like Michael.

More off this less hello salamander lied porpoise much over tightly circa horse taped so innocuously outside crud mightily rigorous negative one inside gorilla and drew humbly shot tortoise inside opaquely. Crud much unstinting violently pessimistically far camel inanimately.

If you find yourself smitten with someone you’ve only just met, you’ll question whether you should give the feeling so much weight – and risk ending up like Michael.